Being super busy in my final year at university I haven’t had
time to do any recent posts, so I thought I’d make a post on what I’ve recently
been getting up to with my final collection.
To all reading and don't know what my collection is based on it's inspired by religion wear, mainly nuns..
looking at my research it seems that alot of imagery i have sourced are
mainly by the incredible designer Yohji Yamamoto, for mixing masculinity with femininity to having
oversized, loose garments and for his use of dark colour palettes. He is a
looking for silhouettes, my key words are volume and an exagerated
length i found that his work really related to these words and for what i
was going for with the collection
Currently been working on two of my final skirts and today I
completed my first skirt! Pheeeeww! Sigh of relief, getting that one step closer to finishing!
invested in 5.5 metres of this black silk taffeta, it’s amazing to work
with and for the shape
and volume I was trying to create. Even now it's all sewn together and
finished i can still create different shapes with it by just using my
hands as it has a stiff, papery feel to it!
Here is a collage of photos i put together of the finished skirt font,side and back
You can also look at designers i'm researching
Hope you guys like!